Da Play

My show was a bigger success than I hoped.  We put on “The Producers”, a Mel Brooks musical about a down-and-out Broadway producer who, at a suggestion from an accountant (and later co-producer), concoct a scheme to put on a bomb of a play with 1000% investments, planning to pocket the investments when the bomb closes.  Only the bomb doesn’t close — it’s a hit.  Hijinks and laughter galore.

I got to play Franz Liebkind, the deranged German playwright of a musical (and potential bomb), “Springtime for Hitler”.  And for those of you thinking I was typecast?  Well, all I have to say to that is that I’m only one quarter German.  Nyaah!

Scene from the movie "The Producers" with Franz

Because of the one or two (not!), minor (not! not!) life issues I’ve had over the last few years, I haven’t felt I could get back onstage.  To get such a role (not leading, but very strong supporting) my first time back on stage was…exhilarating!

I had three songs that were ‘mine’ (meaning folks joined in on a couple, but they were primarily my songs to sing).  Two of them had dance steps.  Thankfully, I knew the choreographer who went easy on me with the steps for one of them and let me choreograph my own steps for the other (providing some key guidance along the way).

The rest of the cast?  Mostly wonderful (which, in community theater is not always a given).   And the ‘not wonderful’ parts were mostly backstage.

The house?  We filled the 120-seat house (less a seat or five) eight out of the nine shows we did.  This included two of the Sundays (which are typically poorly attended in community theater, especially in the summer months). We also got a standing ovation every show (also not always a given in community theater).

One of the best audience comments we got came during the final dress rehearsal.  The theater group usually invites a small group as a test audience.  In this case, it was a group of Red Hat Ladies.  After the show, one of the ladies allowed:

“I laughed so hard, I peed my pants.”

I had a ton of fun and was glad to be back on stage.

And best of all?  I didn’t suck!

Will save other stories, including some backstage drama, for another post…

…or four…


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8 Responses to “Da Play”

  1. daisyfae Says:

    so. does your theater provide rubber mats for the seating, or are patrons expected to bring their own?

  2. Mitzi G Burger Says:

    I really want to see the Producers now! I’m a fan of Mel Brooks.

    • thegnukid Says:

      i’ve still not seen the ‘new’ movie. i saw the original (which wasn’t quite so much a musical as a movie) back in the olden days. it’s not classic Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein), but still pretty good.

  3. nursemyra Says:

    Have you seen the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry David takes part in The Producers?

  4. The Unbearable Banishment Says:

    Well done, you! Not sucking is important when you’re performing in front of a live audience. No pics? Please link or send. This past Tuesday Mrs. Wife and I saw a community theater production that was just as good as, and in some cases better, than some things I’ve seen in the city this year. Community theater rocks!

    • thegnukid Says:

      pics may be forthcoming, though i had no control over them. and, yeah, actually had a couple folks mention that, comparatively and considering we were community theater with community theater funding? we did a damn sight better than the touring group. thanks for the kudos!

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